
Relationship ?

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I’ve always wondered what would be like being in a relationship. Seriously having someone with whom you can share anything and do everything. I find it a bit weird, don’t you?

All the movies I’ve watched (believe they are a lot) give a mixed message, from the love of your life to the crazy psycho. The sweet meet cue you have with a girl (or a guy). You start talking, you smile and slowly you enter the magical kingdom of Love. Where unicorns run freely in the wild and the sky is filled with a rainbow. What a great place. Those first months with that person that makes you crazy, WOW. You call them all the time; you talk about your feelings and all of that mushy stuff.

I always hear couples say to each other “when you’re not around I can’t breathe”. Seriously, you CAN’T BREATH. So when the two of you are apart you can’t inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. I find these kinds of, let say feelings stupid. I had a teacher who told me that if someone expresses his feelings to you, to see if they’re truffle: put your hand on theirs and ask them repeat. If he (or she) is dishonest they will make an excuse to remove their hand. I’ve yet to try this trick but feel free to use it and tell me how it goes.

I really get mad when I hear about other people’s relationship, I don’t know if it’s jealousy or something else but I just get mad. The other day at school I overheard some girls talking about how they are in ‘loove’, it got me pissed off for no reason.

ImageThe funny thing is I’ve had my heart broking without being in a relationship, wired. It happed because of  the phenomenon that we call ‘having a crush’. Isn’t it worse? We all had them if you care to admit it or not, on our teachers (good times), neighbors, parent’s friends… But the worst thing is having towards a friend. It sucks when you find your crush with someone else, and the funny thing you can’t say squat about it. It just sucks.

In conclusion I want to assure you that I don’t want to be in a relationship. But if someone wants to be in one with me, in that case I would be up for it 🙂

Monkey Attack

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About 9 years ago our neighborhood was terrorized by an escaped monkey. It was one of our neighbors that had it as pet, but the sneaky bastard found a way to escape (a regular Michael Scofield). So for a week or so the monkey, brook into houses, stole food and beat down some pets.

Let’s skip to when my sister and I came face to face with HIM. It was a regular Saturday morning; Dad went to meet some friends and mom left to buy some groceries. It was just me, my sister and our dog Bobbi. We were watching some Cartoon; I think it was samurai Jack, when we heard some noise coming from the back yard. We taught it was nothing, and then we heard something break.

Bobbi ran out and started barking, we flowed him. Arriving at the backdoor we saw the beast from hell, the demon monkey (I know it sounds a bit dramatic, but remember I was just 5 or 6 year old).

103ae317aacb5e55671933f62411b5fc686ab5f5b7f78ec00b8e77ffb8fd63afSo we’ve done the same thing you would’ve done in our place, we RAN, to my bedroom. We closed the door, stood in a corner, hugged each other and started screaming for mom.

Meanwhile, Bobbi was fighting this intruder. He managed to scare him away. Then our brave savior came to the door to let us know everything was okay. But we were to scare to do it. We stayed there for an hour until our mother came back.

This was the day I faced danger… and ran away from it as any reasonable person would do.